Chief Product Officer
Andrew is a big-idea guy, trendspotter and mashup maven, who helped change the face of the recruiting industry as a founding disruptor at,, and But - he also holds an advanced degree in bioinformatics, and has worked on changing the world through the advancement of personalized medicine and the dawning era of genetic diagnostics.
16 May 2024 14:15 - 15:15
Interactive roundtable sessions
This is your chance to join the discussion and exchange learnings with your peers. As you continue to navigate an increasingly complex CPO landscape, what better place to get together and speculate on the future of product leadership than with europes top C-Suite leaders. Put your heads together and tackle questions like: - Scaling Product Teams: Challenges and Strategies for Growth - Navigating Layoffs: Strategies for Product Leaders to Minimize Impact and Foster Resilience - Empowering Women in Product: Overcoming Challenges and Building Success
16 May 2024 15:45 - 16:45
Panel: The future of product development & AI
Join this session to learn about the future of AI & product development. This session will cover what works, the challenges to be aware of, and how you can leverage AI in your development process to automate customer workflows and deliver more customer value going forward. Join us as we explore topics such as: - Effective AI strategies - Challenges and solutions associated with AI implementation - Automation for enhanced customer value through AI