Chief Product Officer
Sylvian , the Chief Product Officer at PayFit, has strong experience in general management, revenue development and product management. He has managed P&Ls from scratch, including developing SoundCloud from $3m to $100m in annual revenue and up to $350m in the B2C team at Shutterstock.
16 May 2024 14:15 - 15:15
Interactive roundtable sessions
This is your chance to join the discussion and exchange learnings with your peers. As you continue to navigate an increasingly complex CPO landscape, what better place to get together and speculate on the future of product leadership than with europes top C-Suite leaders. Put your heads together and tackle questions like: - Scaling Product Teams: Challenges and Strategies for Growth - Navigating Layoffs: Strategies for Product Leaders to Minimize Impact and Foster Resilience - Empowering Women in Product: Overcoming Challenges and Building Success
16 May 2024 13:45 - 14:15
SaaS Transformation journey: from sales-led to product driven
Most product led growth (PLG) talks are about digital only products that started with PLG from the get go. Yet in the ever-evolving landscape of Software as a Service (SaaS), most companies started with the traditional sales-led model. The transition towards a product-driven or led approach is not a simple swap of one for the other, but rather a transformation into a multi-channel strategy that leverages various touchpoints. This talk aims to explore the intricacies of this evolution, where the role of sales is not diminished but redefined, and the product takes center stage in a symphony of interconnected channels. Our focus will be on understanding how to navigate this new terrain effectively. We'll delve into the importance of aligning sales and product teams, creating a seamless customer experience across multiple touchpoints, and harnessing the power of data to drive decision-making. Join us as we embark on this exploration of the SaaS transformation journey, where the future is not just product-led, but multi-channel and customer-centric.