Product Lead
Annemarie is a seasoned product lead with a passion for building customer-centric products in the B2B SaaS space. With over 7 years of experience, she expertly combines business strategy with customer needs to create effective product strategies that drive success.
16 May 2024 13:45 - 14:45
Interactive roundtable discussions
In this session a number of unique discussions are happening concurrently, find the table discussing your biggest pain point or opportunity and join the conversation. Every table will be hosted by an industry expert so come prepared to discuss, learn, network, and share. Discussion topics will include: 1. Cultural differences & communication - with Annemarie Malik 2. Effective user onboarding strategies 3. Measuring and communicating product-led impact 4. Large-scale organisations undergoing digital or AI transformation - with Esra Yetis 5. Practical implementations of AI in your product - with Stan Minasov 6. Optimizing product excellence through feature sunsetting: Mastering the process - with Dorra Mlouhi
16 May 2024 12:15 - 12:45
Optimising collaboration and efficiency across your product function in the modern workplace
The way we work has been transformed in recent years, but is your business optimised effectively to thrive in the 'new normal'? What impact is this having on your product team, leadership strategy, and how you enable your entire organisation to become a high-performing unit. In this session, we'll be looking at: - Managing hybrid and fully remote teams - Cultural differences and regional expansion - Alternative planning approaches - options to rival the classic 2-week sprint - How to find the most optimal way of working with your team - Examples of how to successfully increase team motivation and product stability