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Product Lead
EasyPark Group
Jelena is passionate about resolving customer problems with modern technology. She has taken multiple products from concept to launch, from SaaS creative tools to IoT-enabled consumer electronics that required parallel hardware and software engineering to deliver unique customer value.
17 May 2024 10:15 - 11:00
Panel: Zero to one - strategies for launching innovative products
Gain exclusive insights into the journey of birthing groundbreaking products and the strategies employed to move from zero to that pivotal first step. This session will feature: Success stories: Discover real-world success stories from panelists who have navigated the challenges of launching innovative products. Strategic approaches: Uncover unique strategies and methodologies that propel products from ideation to market entry, fostering innovation. Market validation: Delve into the critical aspect of market validation and how it shapes the trajectory of innovative products. Pitfalls to avoid: Learn from the experiences of seasoned professionals as they share valuable lessons and pitfalls to steer clear of during the launch phase.

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