Chief Product Officer
Jacob Ross is the Chief Product Officer at Mio, whose mission is to streamline collaboration for all workers. He joined Mio in 2018 to build a universal messaging network that unites workers across all messaging platforms. With over 15 years in building software applications, Jacob has significant experience building product management frameworks from the ground up.
13 February 2024 09:00 - 09:15
Chairperson opening remarks
Join the chairman's opening remarks, where you'll gain valuable insights and perspectives on the current state of product leadership, trends, and challenges in the industry. This is a unique opportunity to hear from a seasoned product leader and gain valuable knowledge that can help drive success in your own organization.
13 February 2024 16:45 - 17:00
Closing remarks
Our chairman will close out the end of day one of the summit as we reflect on all the sessions of the day and prepare for day two. Lastly, before going into happy hour we are going to take a group photo 🎉
14 February 2024 09:00 - 09:15
Chairperson opening remarks
Day two kicks off with our chairperson's opening remarks, where you'll hear from a seasoned product leader on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the industry. This informative and inspiring session will set the tone for the day ahead, as you learn from industry experts and engage in networking opportunities with other product leaders.
14 February 2024 13:45 - 13:50
Closing remarks
And that's a wrap! Our chair will give the closing remarks and that marks the end of the final day of the summit.