Head of Product & Technology
Jeroen loves building great products for humans and the planet. With 10+ years of experience in product-led businesses, he focuses on cutting-edge technologies and products that solve real human problems. Examples Ihe's worked on range from voice-activated computing that push the boundaries of human-computing interaction, to renewable energy as well as cell-cultured meat that have the potential to dramatically reduce carbon emissions. Currently, he's part of an incredible team of innovators, engineers, scientists, designers, and foodies at Vow. Their mission is to reinvent food and create the most delicious and nutritious meat possible, without harming the environment or animals
07 November 2024 09:15 - 09:56
Transforming cultured meat: Innovations in product development through design, AI, robotics engineering, and tissue engineering
Explore how innovative approaches in Design, AI, Robotics, and Tissue Engineering are transforming the industry, replacing traditional animal agriculture. Learn how product development teams optimize bioreactor systems for efficient and sustainable cultured meat production. Delve into the utilization of AI to streamline processes, enhance quality control, and accelerate product iteration. Uncover the integration of robotics engineering, automating key stages of production to improve precision and scalability. Explore the advancements in tissue engineering techniques, including 3D printing, enabling the creation of tailored cultured meat products with desired attributes and textures.